What is this?

The 'Omega Point' is a term coined by French mathematician and philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in the 1950s. It refers to a theoretical future state of being where the universe and its inhabitants will be in a state of maximum complexity and organization. This will be enabled by the convergence of biological, technological, and spiritual evolution, creating a wholly new reality in which humanity and its collective consciousness will be able to reach completely new levels of understanding and progress. This ultimately represents a combination of both an end goal and an evolutionary ideal.

See also: antifragile, edge of chaos, evolutionary computing, integrated information theory

EP 172 Brendan Graham Dempsey on Emergentism 264

Currents 079: Douglas Rushkoff on Tech Escapism and Critiques of GameB 251

EP 159 Bobby Azarian on the Romance of Reality 2